Asher day 2: The other side – Full-of-Grace

Asher day 2: The other side

Peter’s knuckles whiten against the oar, muscles burning with each pull against the churning sea. Sweat mingles with spray on his weathered face, trickling down his neck despite the biting wind. The boat pitches beneath him – familiar motion turned treacherous – but his feet plant wider, finding balance even in chaos.

His jaw clenches, tasting salt and frustration. The Master’s choice to cross tonight makes his teeth grind – not that anyone asked the fisherman’s opinion. Peter knows these waters like he knows every thickened part of his palms. Knows their moods, their dangers. Knows better than to challenge them in darkness.

Lightning splits the sky, illuminating his brother’s face across the boat. Andrew’s eyes mirror his own doubt, but their arms keep moving in practiced rhythm. Pull. Breathe. Push. The boat groans against the onslaught, taking on water faster than they can bail. Still, Peter’s feet stay planted, his body remembering countless storms before this one.

Behind him, impossibly, the Master sleeps. The same man who spoke of mustard seeds and kingdom glory now slumbers like a child while death circles their little boat. Peter’s chest tightens with something between rage and disbelief. His hands ache to shake sense into the teacher, but discipline keeps him at his post.

Another wave crashes over the bow. Peter spits out seawater, his curse lost in the wind’s howl. The bucket scrapes against worn planks as he scoops out death one measure at a time. His eyes burn holes in the sleeping figure at the stern.

Choose your moment,” his father’s voice echoes from years of fishing lessons. So Peter waits, muscles coiled tight as mooring rope, rage building like the storm around them. But his feet stay planted. His hands stay working. Even as his heart thunders one question against his ribs:

He can’t see the answer through the storm’s fury. But something keeps him rowing. Something beyond reason holds him in this boat, even as the night tries to swallow them whole.

#MARK 4:35

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