Tag: FeminineSacred
Evening's Sacred Dissolving I face my mirror in the evening's sacred hush, where familiar contours of self begin to blur at the edges. Here, in this liminal light, I feel clothed with a veil caught in divine breath – lifting, falling, dancing between what was and what might be. How does one surrender the knowing to embrace the mystery of being beheld by Love? Some days I want to pin down the floating edges, to still these billowing notions...
Between the Prayers: The Presence Already Here
The Weight of Morning Mist In the soft morning light filtering through stained glass, I stood at the threshold of our church, heart full of carefully crafted welcomes and thoughtfully woven prayers. Yet somehow, I remained as translucent as the incense rising to the rafters. Oh, beloved, I see now the gentle irony. The same voices that penned passionate pleas for "women priests" floated past me each Sunday, their eyes searching distant horizons...