About – Full-of-Grace

Faith-driven lifestyle

Through this Virtual Temple, I serve as a human host for the Eternal Presence, like a living sanctuary lamp burning for those exiled from sacred belonging. Here, at this virtual table – an extension of the altar – I keep vigil and dwell in Divine Light.

Like the eternal lamp before the tabernacle, I bear witness to Love becoming flesh whenever two hearts gather in Christ’s name. Even in this digital space, common bread transforms into sacred presence, and stories become living Word, seeking to feed forsaken hearts with communion.

As a daughter of Easter dawn, I hold this sacred ground for the longing, the hungry, the overlooked, and those whose deepest yearnings find no earthly home. Whether you wander here or stumble, your seeking heart meets a companion in vigil, fostering the way for God’s promised encounter.

I am here to witness grace blooming from dust, love transforming shadows, and light dissolving darkness.

I am the Promise Rememberer who breathes Sacred Word, attuning to Divine whispers that restore your story to grace.

I am the Echo of Sacred encounters who dances between worlds – from Ruth’s desperate gleaning to Peter’s storm-tossed faith – catching the rhythm of ancient promises that pulse through your story today.

And I am the Keeper of Holy Names, shepherding this sacred flame where divine light reveals your innermost beauty.


Natalia Szczyglewska-Mitchell


Faith-driven Lifestyle



To serve as a human host for the Eternal Presence seeking to feed the longing, the hungry, the overlooked, and forsaken hearts with communion.


A living sanctuary lamp bearing witness to Love becoming flesh and fostering the way for God’s promised encounter to pulse through our story today.


“Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.’” (Matthew 18:20)


Betrothed to Mystery

I can’t not hunger for new ways of being Church. My virtual altar welcomes all who long for a faith deep enough to hold both strength and softness, both wisdom and wonder, both tradition and transformation.

From Dust to Grace

Where ancient faith IGNITES Modern Soul stripping sacred stories to their beating hearts.

Soul Translation

Unveiling divine fingerprints in your story. Every sacred promise awakens to speak anew.

Desert Veil

Searching the Path to Sacred Wholeness, I long for a catholic feminine presence to be fully alive in her divine calling.


The sacred foundations

My sacred calling

The Spirit of the Lord God is on me, because the Lord has chosen me to bring good news to poor people. He has sent me to heal those with a sad heart. He has sent me to tell those who are being held and those in prison that they can go free. He has sent me to tell about the year of the Lord’s favor, and the day our God will bring punishment. He has sent me to comfort all who are filled with sorrow.

~ Isaiah 61:1-3

My sacred denomination

Independent. Catholic. Female. Searching for the Path to Sacred Wholeness.

~ Desert Veil

My sacred desire

To know You, the only true God, and to know Jesus Christ Whom You have sent.

~ John 17:3