Full-of-Grace – Full-of-Grace

Joseph Day 7: Come closer to me

The words catch in Joseph's throat like stones, each one weighted with years of careful control. His right hand presses against his lips, trying to hold back the tide, but his body has already begun its revolution - trembling starting in his fingertips, spreading like dawn across desert hills. The throne room blurs through unsummoned tears. "It's…" The single syllable breaks like pottery against stone, scattering into silence. His audience...

Joseph Day 6: One and the same

The chamber's opulence crashes against Joseph's senses like waves against shore - gold catching lamplight, incense threading through air thick with expectation, silk whispering secrets across his skin. His newly anointed flesh feels like borrowed language, each sensation a word in a foreign tongue his body struggles to translate. Joseph closes his eyes, letting darkness become anchor. His chest rises and falls, each breath a tide between what...

Joseph Day 5: Sleep with me

"Sleep with me." Zuleika's command slithers through the evening air, her hands grasping Joseph from behind with the certainty of one who has never heard 'no.' The darkness in the chamber thickens like wax, heavy with dangerous promise. Her skin radiates heat like sun-warmed stone, her hips swaying with the practiced rhythm of palace dancers. Joseph's muscles coil tight as defensive prayer. The air grows heavy with frankincense and myrrh,...

Joseph Day 4: My son’s cloak

Sweat and clay paint Joseph's forearms in stripes of earth-tone glory. He straightens from the well-shaft where he's been working, body humming with the satisfaction that comes only when hands shape substance into purpose. The water he drew tastes sweeter for the effort it demanded, each sip carrying memories of freedom's flavor. His eyes search the courtyard for someone who might understand this - how labor can become prayer, how purpose lives...

Joseph Day 3: What is this dream of yours?

Joseph wakes to darkness thick as well water, his latest dream dissolving like salt on tongue. The night vision escapes his grasp - something about birds, perhaps, or was it wheat again? His fingers clutch at fragments that slip away like mist through prison bars, leaving only the taste of almost-memory bitter in his throat. But as this dream fades, his body remembers another - not with the soft edges of sleep, but with the sharp clarity of a...

Joseph Day 2: I am ready

The moon has grown fat and thin like a shepherd's water skin so many times that Joseph has lost count. Each cycle bleeds into the next, marked only by how the light seeps through the high window, painting silver paths across his cell. These fragments of sky are his only calendar now, his only connection to the world's rhythm beyond stone and chains. Time flows strangely here, like water finding its way through stone. Each breath draws in the...

Joseph Day 1: Here comes the dreamer

The silence after prophecy falls like evening dew - cold, inevitable, saturating. Joseph presses his forehead against the damp prison wall, stone drinking the fever from his skin. "This faith will be my undoing," he whispers, words catching in his throat like trapped birds, "unless..." The darkness swallows the rest of his prayer. Moments ago, divine presence had coursed through him like spring water through desert clay, shaping meanings from...

Joseph Steps Into Void: Dreams That Outlast Devastation

The Chasm's Call: Between Being and Becoming There's such a chasm between who we are and who we long to become. My flesh knows this gap like hunger knows emptiness - a constant ache beneath the ribs, a hollow space that echoes with each heartbeat. I reach across this void until muscles burn and joints crack, but my fingertips grasp only air thin as broken promises. Sacred Demolition: Where Certainty Crumbles to Grace Joseph's story tears...

Betrothed to Mystery: What Does a Woman Called by God Look Like?

THRESHOLD CALLING Standing at the threshold, draped in crimson silk that speaks of both flesh and life, I challenge my own assumptions: What does a woman called by God look like? This dress speaks of paradoxes, it hosts both: blood and light. I see myself, and ask would God really want such a one as I? Yet here I stand, my silver cross a bridge between Moab's abundance and Bethlehem's dust. RUTH'S EXODUS Like Ruth, I leave the certainties of...

Sacred Nomad: Between Veils and Vastness

Evening's Sacred Dissolving I face my mirror in the evening's sacred hush, where familiar contours of self begin to blur at the edges. Here, in this liminal light, I feel clothed with a veil caught in divine breath – lifting, falling, dancing between what was and what might be. How does one surrender the knowing to embrace the mystery of being beheld by Love? Some days I want to pin down the floating edges, to still these billowing notions...